This intriguing antique frame was just waiting to be restyled. I walk through this world on the lookout for forgotten treasures. There is always something beautiful hiding in the very back behind the wear and tear, dirt and grime. Those forgotten things are usually the best pieces for restyling projects, plus it is like a real treasure hunt! So, when this antique frame popped into my view, I immediately saw the potential. I could tell it was an awesome piece even beneath all the dust and grime.
This antique frame was beautiful and rich with intricate details. Even with just a little elbow grease and cleaning, it was amazing and I knew it would be a treasure for years to come.
I wanted this antique frame restyle to be a functional piece for today so I thought why not restyle as a chalkboard?
In my haste to get started on this restyle I missed getting a before photo. I could kick myself but a lesson learned for sure! Anyway, here is the step by step process of turning this trash into treasure:
1. Cleaned frame with Dixie Belle White Lightening
4. Next, there was a coat of Dixie Belle Mason Dixon Gray, a personal favorite, that is a beautiful neutral gray with great blue hues. Let dry completely before moving forward!

5. Have a cup of tea, watch something on Netflix, or if you are really struggling for patience, clean something!

7. Finally - the top coat! Using Dixie Belle Easy Peasy Spray Wax makes it super quick and the matte finish is one of my favorites!

This antique frame is now ready for grocery lists, things to do, and some favorite motivational quotes!
What will inspire you?